Fri. Jan 24th, 2025
WWE Talent Reaction To WWE Pushing To Enter The Gambling World | Fightful News

The potential of WWE getting into the gambling world even moreso has raised some concerns from talent that we’ve spoken to, but they said those concerns died down pretty quickly as they don’t think it’s a real possibility.

Fightful was told by WWE talent that they haven’t really been briefed about the possibility of WWE getting into the gambling scope, and many were surprised by some of the details that had been outlined. Specifically, there were concerns around the results of matches not being disclosed until a few hours ahead.

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“Usually, we don’t know the results of matches until about then anyway. There have been world title matches where people didn’t know until shortly before the match, so that won’t necessarily be that different. The concern comes in to where and what we can pitch, how that affects things, and the ability to get things changed that talent doesn’t agree with. There will be a lot of figuring out where and why changes are pushed for and from, and I think that this is probably more trouble than it’s worth,” one longtime talent said.

Those that we spoke to say they haven’t heard much about the story since it first broke a couple of months ago.

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