Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024
Video: Casino guest does the unthinkable while gambling

There are things that one should never do. Doing these things can get you banned from public places and leave you with a ‘stained’ reputation.

Just like urinating in public will leave you with a fine or worse, so will urinating in places that provide entertainment. 

Doing such a vile act could be considered as ‘Public Indecency‘, which is described as “a crime consists of unlawfully, intentionally and publicly engaging in conduct which tends to deprave the morals of others, or which outrages the public’s sense of decency” by The South African Police.

Watch the video below and let us know if you know what happened here. Video courtesy of X

If you look closely, it seems like the woman is urinating while gambling, but we cannot say for sure. 

Many people came to the video’s comments section to share their experiences with working at a casino and how patrons behave when intoxicated. This is just vile and is an example of public indecency. 

  • “I work at a casino, and we have had guests shit and piss themselves on the spot, So drunk they didn’t notice it at all; one woman walked by me pissing the whole time, Holding her piss-soaked flipflops, Licking them as she walked to the bathroom… People are disgusting at times…”
  • “Are these civilized people?”
  • “Anyone thinking it’s a drink spilling, has never worked at a casino.”
  • “When you don’t want to leave the machine.”

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By Xplayer