In a conversation with IstoÉ magazine, Senator Irajá stated that discussions on the proposal have already been exhausted and said he believes he has a majority to approve the text. He also said that he will seek help from Senator Davi Alcolumbre, president of the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee, to talk to Rodrigo Pacheco, president of the House.
“I have been talking to President Pacheco as well as President Davi in order to make them aware of the urgency. I trust in President Pacheco’s common sense so that we can do it before the recess. We need to close this issue of the casino Bill to move on to another agenda, which is the regulation of the measure,” he stated.
“I am very confident of approval in the Plenary. We have the majority of senators to approve the matter. The text has been on hold for a year and a half and we had the opportunity to have a broad debate, already exhausting this discussion. The matter is ready to be assessed, with all due respect to colleagues who have some divergent opposition, but it is already an ideological issue, a religious issue,” concluded the parliamentarian.
The report was approved by the CCJ on June 19th, by 14 votes to 12. The tight score reflects the resistance on the part of the senators, especially those linked to the evangelical bench.
After approval, Pacheco stated that he would create another commission, but retreated and simply said he was not in a rush to consider the issue. The statement is a signal to evangelicals, who demanded a position from the president of the Senate.
In the group’s assessment, the resumption of gambling in Brazil could harm consumers and increase the rate of gambling disorder. The statement is refuted by Irajá, who states that there will be rules that will be regulated if the text passes through Congress.
One of the rules deals with the offering of loans to gambling enthusiasts. According to Irajá, banks will be prohibited from offering credit to gambling addicts, in addition to the creation of a national bank for gambling addicts.
“The proposal does not authorize the use of credit cards, only Pix or debit, in addition to banning bank financing and loans. The creation of a national player registry is also planned. It’s like a Serasa (Serviços de Assessoria S.A.), but to identify that player who may be compulsive,” he declared.
If approved, the text will be sanctioned by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The President stated that he sees no problems with the project and that he will sanction it as soon as the measure reaches the Palácio do Planalto.
Source: IstoÉ