Mumbai: A businessman in Nagpur lost Rs 58 crores in online gambling. After receiving a complaint, the police conducted raid at the Sontu Navratan Jain’s residence in Nagpur. Sontu is the owner of the gambling centre which had apparently cheated the businessman. The police recovered Rs 17 crores (cash), 14 kg gold, and 200 kg silver from Sontu’s residence. However, the gambling centre owner is said to have escaped to Dubai.
The police have not revealed the name of the businessman who was cheated. It is known that he was not interested in online gambling initially. However, in an attempt to lure the businessman into the trap, Sontu sent Rs 8 lakhs hawala money to him. The details of the case were provided by Nagpur police commissioner Amitesh Kumar.
The businessman deposited the money he received into his account, and logged into the ‘gambling’ link sent by Sontu. The businessman made a fortuitous start earning up to Rs 5 crores in his initial attempts. But from there on, he started facing setbacks and eventually ended up losing approximately Rs 58 crores. The angry businessman demanded his money back from Sontu, but he refused to do so. Following this, the businessman lodged a complaint with the police.