Tue. Mar 11th, 2025
Ireland’s New Gambling Regulatory Authority Officially Established
Ireland’s New Gambling Regulatory Authority Officially Established

The new Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland is operational since 5 March 2025. Our Public, Regulatory & Investigations team discusses the orders made by the Minister for Justice to establish the Authority and commence some parts of the Gambling Regulation Act 2024.

What you need to know

  • The Minister for Justice has signed orders to bring certain parts of the Gambling Regulation Act 2024 into effect and to establish the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland (GRAI) on a statutory basis
  • The Minister has also appointed the seven members of the GRAI
  • This has enabled the GRAI to become operational, with effect from 5 March 2025
  • The GRAI will regulate all types of gambling such as online and in-person betting, gaming and lotteries, except the National Lottery, and issue licences to gambling providers who will then have obligations as licence-holders
  • It will also introduce schemes to protect children and people struggling with gambling addiction

The Minister for Justice, Jim O’Callaghan TD, recently signed the first commencement order for the Gambling Regulation Act 2024. This was accompanied by an order to establish the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland (GRAI), a new public body which will regulate the gambling sector. Wednesday, 5 March 2025 is the formal establishment day.

Minister O’Callaghan also approved the appointment of the seven members of the GRAI, who start their roles from the day of establishment.

The GRAI is responsible for regulating and licensing all gambling providers in Ireland and has wide-ranging powers to regulate both in-person and online gambling, gaming and lotteries, except the National Lottery.

The commencement order commences, in summary:

  • The sections relating to the establishment, functions and governance of the Authority, other than its licensing, regulatory and enforcement functions
  • The sections relating to the Authority’s funding, other than the provisions allowing it to impose charges on licensees to fund the Authority’s operational costs
  • The sections relating to the obligations of the members of the Authority, its CEO and its staff
  • The sections relating to offences under the Act

The commenced provisions are, for the most part, relevant to the establishment of the GRAI rather than its substantive licensing, supervision, enforcement, and other statutory functions.

When will licences be required?

On commencement of the relevant provisions of the Gambling Regulation Act 2024, businesses providing betting, gaming or lottery services to customers or organisations based in Ireland will need a licence to operate. The GRAI’s website confirms that:

  • Until the relevant sections of the Gambling Regulation Act 2024 are commenced, the existing licensing regime will continue to operate
  • Revenue Commissioners will continue to issue betting licences in 2025 to allow for the smooth transition of licensing regimes
  • Obligations under the Gambling Regulation Act 2024 will apply to licence holders, when they become licensed by the GRAI, which will be on a phased basis


The establishment of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland marks a new era for gambling regulation in Ireland. Gambling businesses should prepare for compliance with the new regulatory regime as the Government is expected to continue commencing the rest of the Act on a phased basis in the months ahead.

For more information and expert advice, contact a member of our Public, Regulatory & Investigations team.

People also ask

Who is in the head of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland?

Anne Marie Caulfield has been CEO Designate of the GRAI since September 2022.

Are gambling ads legal in Ireland?

Gambling ads are legal in Ireland. However, the Gambling Regulation Act 2024 provides for a ban on gambling ads on TV, radio, and on-demand platforms from 5.30am to 9.00pm. This aims to protect young viewers and people at risk of gambling addiction.

What kinds of licences does the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland issue?

The Authority issues three types of licences for both in-person and online betting:

(1) Business-to-consumer gaming, betting and lottery licences

(2) Business-to-business licences, and

(3) Gambling licences for charitable/philanthropic causes

The content of this article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other advice.

By Xplayer