Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Intensive pursuit of 696 delinquents who have concealed their property from gambling dues, imported luxury cars, and expensive wines.

Tax authorities have caught a number of delinquents who have concealed their property by receiving large gambling prizes earned from horse racing, racing and slot machines without paying taxes.

The IRS said it has launched an intensive follow-up of 696 delinquents in luxury life, including those who hid gambling dues even though they had the ability to pay taxes, and buying imported luxury leases and expensive wines.

In the investigation and search by the National Tax Service’s delinquency tracking team, 1.1 billion won was collected, including cash hidden in kimchi containers and safe and gold bars.

In addition, a number of high-priced artworks, precious metals, and high-priced wines, including footprints and spring flower chops, were seized in large quantities.

The National Tax Service collected a total of 2.5 trillion won in cash or secured bonds by October this year for on-site collection activities for large delinquents who concealed art, precious metals, and inherited property.

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By Xplayer