Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Lawsuit against casino

Excessive gambling: Mostviertler’s gambling addiction cost him more than 81,000 euros – now he is suing the provider. The gambling operator is said to have breached his duty of care.

Robert Voglhuber has lost everything. His years of gambling addiction have driven the Mostviertel native to personal ruin. “It got out of control. I was blinded,” the retired AHS professor told the “Krone” newspaper.

Within a short space of time, he had lost huge sums of money in casinos in Lower and Upper Austria. As a result, he had himself banned and got an adult representative to help him. Nevertheless, the 63-year-old managed to gamble away around 81,500 euros in Amatic Entertainment’s “My Sino” casinos in Lower Austria between November 2019 and October 2022. Even though his addiction was known.

A clear violation of the Player Protection Act, as lawyer Julia Eckhart emphasizes. “Amatic should have banned him,” she says, identifying a clear breach of the duty of care. Because for the operator, only the time a guest is on site counts. In the case of Robert Voglhuber, the frequency of play was known, but was not conspicuous. The amount of money lost is not a significant factor in the player protection concept, as Amatic’s player protection officer stated in court.

Further lawsuits in prospect
Eckhart therefore filed a lawsuit against the company based in Upper Austria. A decision on a license will be made here today in the second instance. Voglhuber has now been certified by an expert as having a gambling addiction and legal incapacity. Good cards for the next day of the trial. “I hope to get everything back,” says the 63-year-old.

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