Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan says the state’s economy is strong despite a bruising report card from the Business Council of Australia which ranked Victoria as the worst state or territory for doing business.
“It’s important to recognise that the data does show that Victoria’s economy is strong – we have seen more jobs created in this state than other state in the last 12 months,” Allan said on Tuesday after being asked about the BCA scorecard.
“We’ve had surging business investment, a 30 per cent increase, which is the highest on record here … that demonstrates businesses have confidence in Victoria. And of course, we’re building and approving more homes than any other state.
“During the pandemic we made a conscious decision that we had a responsibility to use the strength of the government’s balance sheet to keep Victorians in work, to keep Victorian businesses supported, which is why we invested $21 million in business and economic support. I’m focused on supporting Victorians in business and in work.
“When you look at those metrics – building more homes, creating more jobs, record business investment, lowest energy prices in the national wholesale market – there are many reasons why businesses are choosing to invest. I sit down with business and industry regularly.”