Fri. Jan 10th, 2025
Communication Minister Suspends 11 Employees for Facilitating Online Gambling

Jakarta. Communication Minister Meutya Hafid announced on Monday that she has suspended 11 employees from her ministry after they were named suspects for allegedly facilitating gambling website operators.

This decision aims to protect the integrity and credibility of the Communication and Digitalization Ministry amid rising cybercrime challenges, Meutya said in a statement.

“Employees found guilty will be dishonorably discharged once their verdict is final and binding,” she said. “We remind all employees of their integrity pact, which underscores our commitment to combat unlawful practices, including online gambling.”

The Jakarta Police revealed on Sunday that the 11 ministry officials were arrested during a recent crackdown on online gambling.


The identities of the officials have not yet been disclosed. They allegedly facilitated online gambling operators by keeping their websites operational, despite a presidential directive for the immediate closure of all gambling applications and websites.

The implicated officials were responsible for identifying and taking down gambling sites and applications but reportedly misused their authority, employing a selective approach in taking down gambling sites from their makeshift office in Bekasi.

According to the police investigation, these officials allowed 20 percent of approximately 5,000 identified gambling websites to continue operating in exchange for payment. Each website reportedly paid the group of officials Rp 8.5 million ($540) for protection from the shutdown.




By Xplayer