Fri. Feb 28th, 2025
CC | New gambling law in Curaçao: Player interests at stake

WILLEMSTAD – The recently introduced Landsverordening op Kansspelen (LOK), or Gambling Ordinance, has sparked controversy in Curaçao. The Stichting Belangenbehartiging Gedupeerden Online Kansspelen (SBGOK), which advocates for the rights of online casino players, has expressed its concerns.

In a letter to the Curaçao Parliament, the foundation criticizes the new legislation for neglecting player interests, resulting in the absence of essential protective mechanisms.

According to SBGOK, the LOK falls short in implementing internationally recognized limits for players and self-exclusion options, crucial for preventing gambling addiction. The foundation emphasizes that the position of players was already concerning under the current legislation and that this situation worsens under the new regulations.

A particular concern is the new prohibition on transferring players’ claims to organizations like SBGOK, making it more challenging for affected players to seek justice. This is especially problematic for foreign players facing legal barriers in Curaçao.

The foundation also expresses concerns about the advisor to the Minister of Finance, who is alleged to have ties in Ireland and Dubai. This raises questions about the motives behind the minister’s trips to Dubai. SBGOK’s investigation suggests that this advisor plays a central role in attracting new online gambling companies to Curaçao, casting doubt on the transparency and integrity of the licensing process.

SBGOK urges the parliament to hold the minister accountable and to amend the legislation to ensure the protection and rights of players.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

Naschrift KKC

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