Tue. Feb 25th, 2025
CC | Minister Silvania ignores Parliament and advisory bodies with gambling sector reforms

WILLEMSTAD – Finance Minister Javier Silvania is pushing through controversial reforms in the gambling sector without approval from parliament and despite serious objections from the Social and Economic Council (SER) and the Council of Advice.

The Gaming Control Board (GCB), which is not authorized under current legislation, has already issued the first license to White Star BV, a subsidiary of the Rhino Entertainment Group. These actions raise questions about the legality of the minister’s actions and the former regulator.

The Council of Advice has stated that the draft law for the new National Ordinance on Games of Chance (LOK) does not align with constitutional principles and jeopardizes the required financial independence of a gaming authority. A reconsideration of the levy and collection system is necessary for coherent implementation. These fundamental objections require a thorough amendment of the draft law, says the Council.

Despite the LOK still awaiting approval from parliament, the GCB has taken steps by distributing licenses and digital seals among online casinos. The actions of both the minister and the GCB deviate from the usual procedure and legislation, undermining confidence in the legal and parliamentary process.

Cedric Pietersz, the recently appointed director of the GCB, speaks of a “transformative period” for the Curaçaoan gambling sector and emphasizes the importance of Curaçao as a top-tier gambling jurisdiction. However, the premature actions of the GCB and the disregard for parliamentary and advisory bodies cast a darker shadow on this transformation.

The issuance of the first license to White Star BV and the issuance of three digital seals to other gambling companies, even before the new legislation is adopted, open the door to further legal and administrative complications. It underscores the need for a transparent and legally sound approach in reforming the gambling sector.

This situation calls for immediate attention and action from parliament and other relevant authorities to ensure the integrity of Curaçao’s gambling legislation and confidence in government agencies. It is crucial that the minister and the GCB reconsider their approach and collaborate closely with parliament and advisory bodies to develop a legitimate, fair, and effective regulatory framework for the gambling sector in Curaçao.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

Naschrift KKC

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Overzicht: het Curacao Goksector dossier

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