Mon. Sep 30th, 2024
Case of Policewoman Burning Her Husband, Momentum to Eradicate "Online" Gambling

“Gambling is regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP), while online gambling is regulated in the ITE Law,” said Sholehuddin, Tuesday (11/6/2024).

According to the Chair of the Indonesian Criminal Law Lecturers Association, gambling, among other things, is regulated in Article 303 of the Criminal Code. Gamblers are threatened with a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and a fine of IDR 25 million. The prohibition on online gambling is stated, among other things, in Article 27 of Law Number 1/2024 concerning the second amendment to the ITE Law. The threat of punishment for online gambling perpetrators is up to 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 10 billion.

Also read: Policewoman Who Burned Her Husband Moved from Detention Center So She Could Care for Her Children

Sholehuddin stated that law enforcement agencies, such as the police, have a duty, one of which is to crack down on gambling activities, whether they are carried out offline or online. The police should arrest and prosecute those involved in gambling to deter them and not cause distress to the community.

Students document material related to online loans or loans in financial education activities for high school/equivalent level students at the Indonesia Banking School Auditorium, South Jakarta, Monday (22/1/2024). Students are advised to be alert and not easily tempted by illegal investment offers, loans and online gambling practices.

Students document material related to online loans or loans in financial education activities for high school/equivalent level students at the Indonesia Banking School Auditorium, South Jakarta, Monday (22/1/2024). Students are advised to be alert and not easily tempted by illegal investment offers, loans and online gambling practices.

However, in the case of the female police officer in Mojokerto who killed her husband, it was revealed that the husband was a police officer who was actually involved in online gambling. This is ironic because law enforcement officers who are supposed to eradicate gambling actually become players.

“It must be seen that online gambling has exposed many people from various circles, including law enforcement officers. “For this reason, the police’s commitment to eradicate gambling, especially online gambling, must be strengthened,” said Sholehuddin.

On Saturday (8/6/2024), the public was shocked by the actions of Brigadier Fadhilatun Nikmah (28) who burned her husband, Brigadier Rian DW (27), to death. The perpetrator was a member of the Mojokerto Police, while the victim was a member of the Jombang Police. The incident that occurred at the official residence of the Mojokerto Police Dormitory was triggered by the perpetrator’s frustration because he found that his husband’s salary had been spent playing online gambling.

The income should be used to finance the household needs of this couple who have been blessed with three children. Moreover, their children are still young, one child is 2 years old, while the other two are four-month-old twins. Briptu FN even just returned to work after finishing her maternity leave.

Also read: Policewoman Who Burned Her Husband in Mojokerto Subject to Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence

Sociologist at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Luluk Dwi Kumalasari, said that the majority of online gambling is triggered by economic factors. Players are motivated to gamble because they want to make big profits without having to work hard. Gambling managers or bookies promise big prizes or big profits that can be achieved with just a small capital.

<i>Kompas </i>Team meeting with Bigo Live announcers in the Bendungan Hilir area, Sunday (19/11/2023) evening.” height=”768″ loading=”lazy” sizes=”(max-width:1280px) 1280px, (max-width:720px) 720px, (max-width:1024px) 1024px, (max-width:1280px) 1280px, (max-width:676px) 676px, (max-width:160px) 160px, (max-width:300px) 300px, (max-width:480px) 480px” src=”” srcset=” 1280w, 720w, 1024w, 1280w, 676w, 160w, 300w,×480/ 480w” width=”1024″ data-v-30ab5665><figcaption class=TIM KOMPAS

Kompas Team meeting with Bigo Live announcers in the Bendungan Hilir area, Sunday (19/11/2023) evening.

“What’s dangerous is that conventional gambling and online gambling both trigger addiction for users, making it difficult for them to stop,” said Luluk.

Addiction triggers several negative behaviors, such as a husband who no longer wants to provide for his wife or be responsible for his family because he prefers to spend his money on gambling. Gambling addiction also drives gamblers to steal money, sell all their assets, and accumulate debts.

“Because of this, many online gamblers are trapped in online loans to fulfill their desire to be able to play continuously. “Players are made curious by the offer to win big,” said Luluk.

The phenomenon of online gambling is now easy to find in everyday life. It could be said that anyone who accesses a smartphone easily will be exposed to online gambling. This is because offers to play online gambling are circulating in various features that are usually accessed by people who use smartphones.

Gamblers cross generations, from children, teenagers, adults, even senior citizens. The forms of online gambling games are currently increasingly diverse and varied as more and more new gambling sites emerge. Online gambling managers are also increasingly creative in infiltrating other spaces, such as online games.

The appearance of the Roulette game on Bigo Live is similar to similar games on online gambling sites.

The appearance of the Roulette game on Bigo Live is similar to similar games on online gambling sites.

Luluk realized that the online gambling phenomenon which is increasingly disturbing society today is not only the responsibility of the police. Eradicating online gambling is a collective task including the community, especially parents, to guide their children so that they are not exposed to this criminal act.

Socialization about online gambling and education about its bad impacts must be intensified from an early age by targeting elementary school children. This needs to be done because elementary school children have started to actively play with smartphones. Apart from parents, education can be done through educational institutions.

Environmental factor

Catur Andy Prasetyo (45), an online gambling player in Surabaya, said that apart from economic factors, environmental or social influences are also very significant. This is based on the personal experience of Catur and his friends who are actively involved in online gambling games.

Eradicating online gambling is a collective task, including the community, especially parents, to guide their children so that they are not exposed to this criminal act.

Catur works at a private company and earns a monthly salary of around Rp 5 million, slightly above the Surabaya city minimum wage (UMK) of Rp 4.7 million per month per worker. The salary is enough to meet his family’s needs, which includes two young children. Moreover, his wife also sells grilled chicken at home.

“I played because my friend invited me. Initially there was a work friend who played online gambling and won, then we were treated to a meal. “From there I tried it and it turned out to be fun too,” said Catur, who is currently addicted to gambling.

Catur admitted that he always gambled every day, usually during office breaks. He will gather with his fellow online gambling players somewhere to play together. Gambling games usually continue after work.

However, when he was at home, Catur admitted that he did not dare to gamble because he was worried that his wife and children would find out. According to Catur, online gambling is not only an opportunity to gain income, but also a means of entertainment because you can play with fellow gamblers.

“What makes addiction is curiosity about how to win. “Later, if you’ve won once, you’ll want to win again, you’ll be curious again,” said Catur, who currently has debt from an online loan application for gambling.

If Catur was exposed to online gambling due to the influence of friends, it was different for Rizki (30). This young man, who just graduated from college a few years ago, plays online gambling to fill the free time. He is no longer burdened with studying, but he has never found a permanent job.

“I work at a cafe while waiting for a job call from the company I am targeting. I only work for six hours, after which I am unemployed in my rented accommodation,” he said.

At first, Rizki just clicked on the online gambling feature that was floating around on his smartphone screen. After trying to play several times, he felt interested in taking part in the offer offered by the online gambling manager. Gradually, Rizki felt more and more addicted to playing again and again.

“I stopped after getting caught up in online loans and finally getting caught by my parents. “Luckily the loan wasn’t much and the parents were willing to pay it off,” said Rizki.

Online gambling is vulnerable to anyone regardless of age or social status. This exposure will trigger addiction which will affect the player’s behavior and have a negative impact on their life journey. For this reason, the drumbeat of war against online gambling must be raised even louder for the sake of a more dignified future generation of the nation.

Also read: Salary Runs Out for Online Gambling, Policewoman in Mojokerto Burns Her Husband

By Xplayer