Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

Should gambling advertising be banned or just more regulated? As the federal government continues to discuss its proposed legislation, anti-betting supporters, academics and media companies are weighing in on the debate.

A partial ban is the current proposal, reports Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), with a limit of two ads an hour per channel until 10pm, plus a ban during children’s programs as well as in the hour either side of a live sport broadcast. Previously, a parliamentary committee unanimously recommended a total ban.

Media companies have pushed back, claiming lost revenue would be in the millions, and could potentially affect the current $1.6 billion annual spending to produce news, sport and local drama.

Writing in The Conversation Australia + NZ, The Australian National University lecturer Andrew Hughes argues gambling ads could make up around 7% of revenue for TV networks — it would be a significant loss, but not debilitating.

“A total ban would most likely be phased in over a number of years, not enacted overnight,” he writes. “Australia’s free-to-air networks would adapt, restrategise, and find and develop new markets to replace that revenue.”

Professionals are discussing the issue on LinkedIn. Brand strategist Rick Marton, who has both worked in the betting sector and been adversely affected by problem gambling, writes: “Removing gambling ads is NOT an initiative that would make things worse. It would prevent the glorification and ongoing temptation of gambling. If you have a problem, or are stating to, it’s impossible to escape.”

What restrictions do you think the new laws should entail, if any? What effects do you think a partial or total ban would have? Comment below.

By Cathy Anderson
Photo: Getty Images


The Conversation Australia + NZ: and
Guardian Australia:
The Age:
Australian Government :
 Rick Marton GAICD:

By Xplayer