Wed. Sep 25th, 2024
Food Store Closed by Lauderhill Authorities Over Illegal Gambling Complaints • Tamarac Talk

Police and code enforcement officers in Lauderhill have shut down a convenience store allegedly posing as a front for illegal gambling and other criminal activities.

According to a city spokesperson’s statement obtained by CBS Miami, the closure of the 12th Street Food Store located at 4248 Northwest 42nd Way came after community complaints and the discovery that the store lacked typical convenience store products.

“What we were presented with was a business that wasn’t operating as a convenience store,” said City of Lauderhill Vice Mayor Lawrence “Jabbow” Martin in a video posted by CBS Miami, adding,  “There was no product within the store. There seemed to be no things you would see in a traditional convenience store.”

According to reports, the move to close the store came after city commissioners convened a meeting Monday morning, during which they revoked the store owner’s certificate and permission to do business. 

The decision was made in response to numerous complaints from the community. According to authorities, employees at the store were allegedly taking customers’ bets through a machine, an illegal activity that led to the store’s downfall.

CBS Miami video shows that when officers served documents explaining the city’s actions to the store’s owner, he left the premises without speaking to CBS Miami.

City officials emphasized the severity of the alleged crimes in their statement. 

“Complaints alleging the business was involved in illegal activity resulted in an investigation which confirmed [the 12th Street Food Store] was participating in illicit criminal activities to include bookkeeping as well as the sales and/or distribution of illegal contraband,” said Leslie Johnson, City of Lauderhill Director of Public Relations and Cultural Affairs, in a statement.

“These activities are disruptive to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the surrounding community and were grounds for the City Commission to revoke the two city-required licenses necessary to legally operate a convenience store within the City. The City oversaw the closure of this business [Tuesday].”

Tuesday’s crackdown was part of an aggressive initiative spearheaded by Vice Mayor Martin to curb violence and crime in the city. The vice mayor highlighted that the city holds quarterly meetings with convenience store owners to ensure they understand their responsibilities.

“(Store owners) get a chance to meet all the players in the city,” Martin said. “So it’s not just to beat you up. It’s really to enhance your ability to be a positive part of our community.”

Miami Charter Bus Company

The store’s owner remains unidentified and still has the option to appeal the closure of his business. 

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Author Profile

Ryan Yousefi

Ryan Yousefi
Ryan Yousefi has lived in Coral Springs for over 30 years. He has worked as a writer for multiples outlets over the years, including the Miami New Times where he has covered sports and culture since 2013. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Business Healthcare Management from Western Governors University.
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