Sports betting apps went live in Massachusetts on Friday. If you are anything like me, in recent weeks you have been subjected to a barrage of television advertisements featuring A-List celebrities touting all the fun, excitement and emotional fulfillment gambling will supposedly bring to the consumer.
Shame on you, Massachusetts.
Lotto tickets and scratch games weren’t enough. Casinos weren’t enough. Now this state has decided its citizens should be able to bet on sports with just a few clicks and swipes.
This state proclaims to be a bastion of so-called “liberal” values, yet with legalized sports betting it seems we have sold our collective “liberal” souls in a pitiful pursuit of a few more tax dollars.
Anyone with even the most basic understanding of gambling knows it is highly addictive, destroys families and virtually guarantees losses in income, time and hope.
Perhaps most importantly, gambling preys on the most vulnerable and desperate elements of our society.
I do not see how, among our supposedly educated and liberal governmental leaders, there can be any doubt this is a predatory industry that preys on the very people our so-called liberal leaders purport to defend.
Christopher Abel, Harwich
Canceling Dilbert erodes free speech
It’s a further erosion of free speech. The Cape Cod Times has followed in lockstep with the other woke news outlets in canceling the Dilbert cartoon. Was any consideration given to the reason for this decision? Did anyone at the Times even listen to what Adams said on his podcast? If not, let me enlighten you. He cited a poll and in light of that poll decided to stop supporting the very people who don’t like him. This is considered racist? Would you support an organization that expressed dislike for you? I think not. He made a decision based on information. Neither he nor his cartoon expressed a racist comment.
Marjorie Donovan, South Dennis
Times urged to stop publishing Dilbert cartoon
I urge the Cape Cod Times and parent company editors to immediately drop the Dilbert comic strip in response to the creator’s racist diatribes. Scott Adams’ despicable comments should not, in any way, be supported by the publication of his work.
Rob Buckler, Sandwich
Editor’s note: The Times no longer publishes the Dilbert comic strip. Recent discriminatory comments by the creator, Scott Adams, have influenced our decision to discontinue his comic. Those views do not align with our editorial or business values as an organization. At the Times, we lead with inclusion and equity, and strive to maintain a respectful environment for everyone across the diverse communities we serve. While we respect and encourage free speech, we will not provide a platform for individuals who counter our values.
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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Massachusetts mobile sports betting will ruin individuals and families