Mon. Sep 30th, 2024
Policewoman Burns Her Husband, What Are the Bad Impacts of Online Gambling on Mental Health?

3. What is the relationship between online gambling addiction and a person’s mental health?

4. Can online gambling addiction be cured?

5. Does Indonesia have a rehabilitation center for gambling disorders, especially online?

In the midst of the state’s efforts to eradicate online gambling, the case of female police officer Briptu Fadhilatun Nikmah (28), member of the Mojokerto Police , burning her husband at the official residence of the Mojokerto Police Police Dormitory in East Java creates irony.

Allegedly, this was the peak of the perpetrator’s frustration due to the actions of her husband Briptu Rian DW (27), a member of the Jombang Police, who was addicted to online gambling. In fact, Fadhilatun, a mother of three, needs money for daily living.

Brigadier Rian died. Brigadier Fadhilatun is now a suspect in a murder case and his young children are also victims.

While continuing to wait for the continuation of the legal process, online gambling cases should no longer be viewed narrowly. More than economic or legal, there are also mental health issues that haunt victims, perpetrators and their children.

Also read: Policewoman Burns Her Husband, Kompolnas Suspects There Was Another Cause

How can someone get caught up in gambling?

Basically, gambling is a game that stimulates adrenaline. Money or betting is often not the main goal. The perpetrator often pursues excitement, attention, challenges, or attempts to impress other people. In the stage of gambling as a mere means of recreation, this desire is usually only temporary and can be ended at any time without any particular coercion or pressure.

However, the problem will become complicated when gambling has become addictive. The pleasure of winning from previous gambling experiences increases the adrenaline hormone. This can only be fulfilled by gambling again to achieve the same feeling. They continue to gamble compulsively and feel anxious when they want to end it.

Also read: Running out of salary for online gambling, policewoman in Mojokerto burns husband

How much does the convenience of technology trigger gambling addiction?

As digital technology advances, gambling has entered the virtual world. With just a tap on the screen of a smartphone, one can now gamble. There is no need to go to a casino in a neighboring country or look for a safe hiding place away from law enforcement. Online gambling can be done anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstances.

Online gambling is also often disguised as online games, stock buying and selling platforms, and even content on social media. In fact, some influencers, whether consciously or not, also advertise online gambling applications. As a result, online gambling is able to reach a wide and massive public in a relatively short time.

Also read: Policewoman who burned her husband in Mojokerto was subject to the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence

How many people in Indonesia are trapped in “online” gambling?

The Ministry of Communication and Information in Kompas, 21 October 2023, stated that there were 2.7 million gamblers during 2017-2022. More than 80 percent of them are low-income residents, such as students, students, workers, farmers, motorcycle taxi drivers and housewives.

During that period, the value of online gambling transactions is estimated to reach IDR 190 trillion, divided into 156 million transactions. Furthermore, the transaction value is expected to reach IDR 350 trillion per year due to the abundance of undetected online gambling content.

Also read: Apart from blocking accounts, OJK records data on customers involved in online gambling

The irony of what kind of cases arise because of “online” gambling?

Even though it often ensnares low-income residents, online gambling can ensnare educated people, even law enforcement officers. Apart from the case policewoman burned her husband, First Lieutenant Doctor Eko Damara (30), a doctor at the RI-PNG Yonif Mobile Border Security Task Force 7 Marines, hit the same thing.

Having been burdened by a debt of Rp 819,270,380, he committed suicide at the Tactical Command Post of the Rayon Military Command Dekai of the 1715 Yahukimo Military District Command, in late April 2024. The debt was obtained from fellow doctors, as well as bank loans and members of the Indonesian Navy.

Also read: When “Online” Gambling Shatters a Soldier’s Life…

“I apologize to the people I wronged. I still can’t afford to pay. If I continue with my existing life I will become increasingly tyrannical and useless. As a very disgraceful and useless officer.” that’s the message found on Eko’s cell phone.

According to many studies and experts, suicide is said to be a form of mental health disorder.

How does online gambling addiction relate to a person’s mental health?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition, 2013, states that people who are addicted to gambling and cannot control themselves experience gambling disorder (gambling disorder). Those who experience this disorder will gamble continuously and repeatedly and have destructive distress or negative stress.

Those with gambling disorders also have smaller volumes of amygdala and hippocampus. These two parts of the brain regulate emotions and stress.

Ninety-six percent of people with gambling disorders have at least one other mental disorder, including substance abuse, impulse control disorders, mood disorders, and general anxiety disorders. Therefore, in order to break free from gambling and other accompanying mental disorders, gamblers need therapy.

Also read: Online Gambling Content Increasingly Alarming, Government Forms Eradication Task Force

Can this “online” gambling addiction be cured?

Handling gambling is not always done through law enforcement. Blocking website addresses has been proven to be unable to break the chain of this highly valuable economic business.

Because pathological gambling problems are in the brain, therapy must also focus on the brain. Currently, the available therapy options are cognitive behavioral therapy to change the gambler’s mindset or through self-therapy groups. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can also be given to reduce depression.

To reduce the significant impact of gambling on mental and social health, the establishment of support institutions to address gambling addiction in Indonesia needs to be considered.

Also read: Gambling and the Mental Health of Our Society

Does Indonesia already have a rehabilitation center for gambling disorders?

Indonesia does not yet have a gambling disorder rehabilitation center. However, a number of clinical psychologists in Indonesia have actually treated clients who are addicted to gambling.

In addition, psychologists working in health centers, especially in DKI Jakarta and DI Yogyakarta, where each health center already has a psychologist, can be utilized to conduct early detection and prevention so that the community is more aware of gambling issues. If the person being treated requires further treatment, they can be referred to a hospital that provides psychiatric services.

Also read: Gambling Addiction

By Xplayer