Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024
Scottish students’ views sought on gambling, gaming, and cryptocurrency

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Fast Forward, Scotland’s national youthwork organisation specialising in risk-taking behaviours, prevention and early intervention, is appealing to students at a Scottish university or college to help them with a new survey.

The organisation has teamed up with the RCA Trust, and Tackling Gambling Stigmto find out what Scottish students think about gambling, cryptocurrency, and the connections between gambling and gaming like loot boxes (virtual containers you can purchase or receive in a game that contain a randomised reward).

They also want to know what you think should be done to support students and to prevent harm from gambling and related technologies.

Fast Forward has teamed up with RCA Trust and Tackling Gambling Stigma to launch the survey, which will take about 10 minutes to complete.

You can find the survey at

If you’d like more information or support:

Gaming – for information on the risks around gaming and links with gambling, and how to stay safe, check out’s Online Gaming Advice Hub.

Gambling – for more information or to talk to someone or get support about your own gambling or the gambling of someone close to you, visit They have a confidential 24 hour helpline and live chat.

Cryptocurrency – for help or support about your own cryptocurrency trading or the trading of someone close to you, the National Gambling Treatment Service has a confidential 24-hour helpline (0808 8020 133) and live chat, and their advisers are trained to provide support around crypto. Visit

By Xplayer