Actor-director Rahul Datta is set to direct a crime thriller titled Another Side of Bollywood. The series stars Mudasir Bhatt, Shresht Kumar, Swati Bakshi, Amita Yadav, Santosh Ojha, Kavit Dutt, Dilzan Wadia, Adreeja Sharma, and Rahul Datta himself. Produced by Sanjeev Malhotra, it is all set to be released on OTT.
Talking about how the film was conceived, Rahul Datta says, “When inspiration struck, the familiar hum of the Aram Nagar cafe faded into the background. My mind, usually a canvas for stories spun from imagination and drama, was now abuzz with a new idea. In the intoxicating haze of high-stakes gambling, a web of betrayal is spun tighter than any dealer’s grip. The show delves into the murky world where fortunes are made and lost on the turn of a card, and loyalty is a currency as volatile as the odds themselves.”
Crackdown actor Mudasir Bhatt, who plays one of the leads, tells us, “The role I’m playing is of Mohit. The short film is in the suspense thriller genre, and such scripts have always intrigued and interested me. It is an interesting role where I can touch many aspects of performance due to the way the character has been portrayed.”
Previously seen in projects like The Sholay Girl & Dhappa, Shresht Kumar says, “This character is a good guy, but he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, and hasn’t moved on.” Talking about his experience working with Rahul Datta, he shares, “Being an actor, it’s always a pleasure to associate with a good team, a good director, and a good story. I am fortunate I got this opportunity to associate with this great team, and it’s an amazing experience shooting with Rahul sir.”